We offer the following services, a la carte or in any combination you can create :
Blue Eyed Daisy Event Planning
Event Planning - Corporate, Community, Personal
Event Planning - Educational (schools, daycares)
Blue Eyed Daisy Airbrush Body Painting
Airbrush Body Art
Storytime & Activity
*airbrush requirements include electricity & running water
inBloom Social Media Management
Social Media Management & Marketing for Local & Small Businesses
Social Media Strategy Development
Content Creation
Logo Development
This time of year can be busy, but booking now guarantees you a great event.
Planning a birthday party?
End of the year event for your school or daycare? Organizing summer camp?
Sports playoffs are going on in your community?
Organizing a Street Fair or Block Party?
Want to celebrate your employees with a family Christmas party?
Not sure what costume to wear for a Halloween event,
or looking for a child friendly, safety forward, maskless option?
Whatever event you are are planning - big or small, family friendly or adult only, one time only or an annual event - parties will get a bang for their buck with Airbrush Painting that can paint 75+ attendees per hour.
Send us your corporate logo in advance and we will cut a stencil in time for your event.
We aren’t just corporate events or birthday parties - we love to work with service clubs, youth organizations and church groups.
Book us for any special events you have coming up.
This is also true for community clubs, town fairs, local festivals and farmers market/craft shows.
Face painters are an attractive draw to any community gathering.
Or are you presenting a drama production? Dance recital? Showcase?
Let us provide you with creative makeup solutions.
You might not know -
When working with local partners or sponsors, Blue Eyed Daisy Airbrush offers specialty services such as return customer/annual event incentive pricing and will also cut a custom stencil for your event (a logo, mascot, emblem etc.) that is yours alone, to be used only at your events -
no other events will have access to your design.
Along with your own stencil we also offer the ability to market/advertise your event on our own social media - webpage, FB, Instagram, X/Twitter & TikTok for no extra charge!
#facepaint #airbrushbodypaint #blueeyeddaisyairbrush #barrheadalberta #barrheadcounty #barrheadbusiness
#smalltownbusinesses #specialevents #smalltowngirl #smalltowncharm #theoriginalblueeyes #youreventyourstencil #proudtopartner
In addition to special events & airbrush facepainting,
Blue Eyed Daisy Airbrush launched a new service in 2021.
Following the pandemic and bylaws/regulations regarding larger(r) events and skin-to-skin contact, Blue Eyed Daisy Airbrush was on hold.
At this same time, many brick and mortar store owners shifted into
smaller businesses models or operating home-based business.
These operational changes came with many new challenges for all of us,
so Blue Eyed Daisy was delighted to be able shift direction, and launch 'inBloom' to assist these pandemic-pioneer business owners with Social Media
support and management designed especially for rural small businesses.
As with everything at Blue Eyed Daisy, 'inBloom' started as a side (passion) project,
and has since developed into a full service we are immensely proud of.
Regan enrolled at her Alma Mater (University of Alberta) in 2022 as an Alumni Graduate to obtain full certification as a Social Media Marketer and Manager.
She is the proud recipient of a University of Alberta RCB Alumni Grant (2022)
and is set to graduate in June 2023.
See inBoom tab for more information.
What kind of paints do you use?
Our paints are all FAB (Face and Body) paints which are CSPA (Consumer Safety Product Association) & FDA approved, non-toxic, hypoallergenic and water soluble. Paint is lightly sprayed and the Airbrush does not come into contact with skin.
How many face can you paint an hour?
If clients choose one pre-designed image, we can paint 75+ cheeks (or arms, calves, shoulders, etc.) per hour. At two images per client we can paint 30+ clients per hour.
This includes glitter and six to eight colours (of choice).
If you are booking by the hour for private events (ie. birthday party) with 15 or fewer faces, full-faces, masks or half sleeves are possible in the 2hr minimum time period.
Contact us to determine how much time your event requires or to let us design an event that fits your client needs and budget.
Are you licensed and/or registered? What credentials do you hold?
Yes! In addition to holding a Bachelor of Education in English and Theatre, Regan has done graduate studies at the Universidad de Sonora, MX on Arts as a means of Inclusive Education, completed her certification in Social Media Marketing & Management from the University of Alberta in 2023, is a registered member of the Canadian Association of Face and Body Artists, and is insured.